Finally i have took up the courage to set up my personal craft blog..
I will keep track of my works here. If u are interested, please leave ur comments or get them from esty if i post them there :)
Thank you in advance!
Just alittle bit about myselfI enjoyed crafting alot!
Regardless it is beading, sewing, knitting, crochet, sliver accessories making.. literate anything that is related to crafting. I have a scanner characteristic, which means I can't stay long at one kind of projects. Therefore made me a all rounder crafter :)
When i was working, i could start crafting from 11pm - 3am, and woke up at 8am for work.
Hahaha. That how much i loves to work on projects. It goes on for about 4 years.
I have just got married on 22 March 2010. Found my life partner, 9 years ago during my college life.
He gives me all the supports i need to carry on.
Thank you Desmond.
I also have a group of very good friends, which is make up of 15 people. We called ourselves B.I.T.E.s.
Which stands for "Bring It To Extreme". Haha
We always hangout together and have lots of fun.
Now, i am a full time crafter, a full time player.
Hope i could treasure my time well and use them for crafting.
OH! I loves cooking and baking too!
But not too good at them. hahaha.
So. if you have any questions or suggestion for me, please drop me a mail!