Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Cookies that are not meant for you

Yeah!! Cookies for my dog, xiao xue! (and 'mei mei', 'S'-si', and 'Yes-si').

'Mei mei' belongs to the 1st floor neighbor. She guarded our building and whenever a stranger appears, she will bark at them. She is really very very adorable and polite.
'S'-si' belongs to the veg stall auntie which is where i buy my daily veg from.
'Yes-si' belongs to the 85C store owner which is where i buy my daily coffee from.

This recipe baked about 120 bites size cookies.
It taste plain, but i kind of able to taste the baking soda. (Slightly bitter. Just slightly). This is good for your dog cause there is no sugar in it!

I added parsley as stated, since it is a natural breath freshener for dog :) The veg stalls auntie gave me ALOT. LOL. So i am giving her a pack of the cookies to thank her tml.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Egg tarts

Do you like my egg tarts?
I am merely following the instructions from here.

Just that I reduce the quantity to 4 instead of 12.

I rated myself 70 marks for this.
The crust taste good.
But the filling is not soft enough :)
I will try to put more milk the next time round!!!

You guys should try it!
Including washing up time, is only 1hr for completion!